How To Know When To Shut Your Damn Mouth
I feel as if I opened a Pandora’s Box with my recent post about not wanting a second child. When it pubbed, it kicked off a flurry of discussion on Facebook. An old friend texted me to say him and his wife felt the same way. And after class at my local yoga studio, my friend Kim […]
How To Know When To Shut Your Damn Mouth
I feel as if I opened a Pandora’s Box with my recent post about not wanting a second child. When it pubbed, it kicked off a flurry of discussion on Facebook. An old friend texted me to say him and his wife felt the same way. And after class at my local yoga studio, my friend Kim […]
Ringing Endorsements: Volume V
Life has been busy. When is it not? I’m just about six months into motherhood. Pureed foods are happening. Em wants to stand without yet knowing how to crawl. My yoga practice is coming back to me, and I can successfully do poses like eka pada koundinyasana again. Plus we just made our way through the holidays (well… […]
Feeling Gratitude for Pigeon Pose
A few days before Thanksgiving, I asked my students which yoga poses they were most thankful for. I wanted to build a class that managed to fit in everyone’s favorite poses, both to remind them of why they kept coming to their mats and to allow them to have an indulgent experience that was all […]
This Is My Yoga Body
The other month, I purchased a tank top emblazoned with the words “This Is My Yoga Body.” It was part of a campaign to raise money for the Yoga and Body Image Coalition, which develops body positive programming for yogis of all body types. This was a campaign I could really get behind, as I’m not one […]
When She Came Into Our Lives
It was the day after Dia de los Muertos when we found out about Emily. The night before, our home had been filled with people. The dining room table had been crowded with cookies and spinach balls and dips and more food than we could all ever finish. There were skeletons and skulls everywhere. Strands […]
Ringing Endorsements: Volume IV
It’s been quiet here on Mamaste. But that’s because I feel as if I have to save all my best stories for Also: life. In addition to juggling eleventy-billion deadlines this past week, I spent the previous week preparing for our annual Dia de los Muertos party. And on top of that, I’ve spent hours […]
How Work Helped Me Beat Out the Baby Blues
I’ve always been the type of person who defines herself by her work. Even while on my honeymoon over seven years ago, I couldn’t resist checking in with my full-time job. Something about getting stuff done, doing good work, building my business, and receiving positive feedback gets me all fired up. If I don’t have […]
Ringing Endorsements, Volume III
Another week behind us, and I feel a tide is turning. Em has entered that “easy” stage, where she still can’t move anywhere of her own volition, but she can amuse herself for short stretches of time. I no longer have to have my boob out 24/7 and, slowly but surely, work is picking up. […]
Making Time for Inner Peace
Last year, inspired by the way in which yoga and meditation helped me manage my crazy, I designed a 1.5 Hours To Inner Peace workshop and taught it at my two regular studios. During the hour and a half, I guided students through several hip stretches to better prepare them for seated meditation, taught them different […]